Open Shortest Path First v3 (OSPFv3) Parameters
- Created
- 2007-04-25
- Last Updated
- 2025-03-03
- Note
Please also see: [] [] []
- Available Formats
Plain text
Registries included below
- OSPFv3 Options (24 bits)
- OSPFv3 LSA Function Codes
- OSPFv3 Prefix Options (8 bits)
- OSPFv3 Router LSA Link Types
- OSPFv3 Router Properties Registry
- LD Options
- OSPFv3 Instance ID Address Family Values
- OSPFv3 Autoconfiguration (AC) LSA TLVs
- OSPFv3 Extended-LSA TLVs
- OSPFv3 Extended-LSA Sub-TLVs
- OSPFv3 SRv6 Capabilities TLV Flags
- OSPFv3 SRv6 End SID Sub-TLV Flags
- OSPFv3 SRv6 Adjacency SID Sub-TLV Flags
- OSPFv3 SRv6 Locator LSA TLVs
- OSPFv3 SRv6 Locator LSA Sub-TLVs
OSPFv3 Options (24 bits)
- Registration Procedure(s)
Standards Action
- Reference
- [RFC4940]
- Available Formats
Value | Description | Reference |
0x000001 | V6-bit | [RFC5340] |
0x000002 | E-bit | [RFC2328] |
0x000004 | Deprecated | [RFC5340] |
0x000008 | N-bit | [RFC3101] |
0x000010 | R-Bit | [RFC5340] |
0x000020 | DC-bit | [RFC1793] |
0x000040 | Reserved for OSPFv2 migrated options | [RFC5340] |
0x000080 | Reserved for OSPFv2 migrated options | [RFC5340] |
0x000100 | AF-bit | [RFC5838] |
0x000200 | L-bit | [RFC5613] |
0x000400 | AT-bit | [RFC7166] |
OSPFv3 LSA Function Codes
- Reference
- [RFC7770]
- Available Formats
Range | Registration Procedures | Note |
0-255 | IETF Review | |
256-8175 | Reserved | IANA does not assign |
8176-8183 | Experimentation | IANA does not assign |
8184-8190 | Vendor Private Use | IANA does not assign |
8191 | Reserved | IANA does not assign |
Value | LSA Function Code Name | Reference |
0 | Reserved | [RFC7770] |
1 | Router-LSA | [RFC5340] |
2 | Network-LSA | [RFC5340] |
3 | Inter-Area-Prefix-LSA | [RFC5340] |
4 | Inter-Area-Router-LSA | [RFC5340] |
5 | AS-External-LSA | [RFC5340] |
6 | Deprecated | [RFC5340] |
7 | NSSA-LSA | [RFC5340] |
8 | Link-LSA | [RFC5340] |
9 | Intra-Area-Prefix-LSA | [RFC5340] |
10 | Intra-Area-TE-LSA | [RFC5329] |
11 | GRACE-LSA | [RFC5187] |
12 | OSPFv3 Router Information (RI) LSA | [RFC7770] |
13 | Inter-AS-TE-v3 LSA | [RFC5392] |
14 | OSPFv3 L1VPN LSA | [RFC5523] |
15 | OSPFv3 Autoconfiguration (AC) LSA | [RFC7503] |
16 | OSPFv3 Dynamic Flooding LSA | [RFC-ietf-lsr-dynamic-flooding-18] |
17-32 | Unassigned | |
33 | E-Router-LSA | [RFC8362] |
34 | E-Network-LSA | [RFC8362] |
35 | E-Inter-Area-Prefix-LSA | [RFC8362] |
36 | E-Inter-Area-Router-LSA | [RFC8362] |
37 | E-AS-External-LSA | [RFC8362] |
38 | Unused (Not to be allocated) | [RFC8362] |
39 | E-Type-7-LSA | [RFC8362] |
40 | E-Link-LSA | [RFC8362] |
41 | E-Intra-Area-Prefix-LSA | [RFC8362] |
42 | SRv6 Locator LSA | [RFC9513, Section 7] |
43-255 | Unassigned | |
256-8175 | Reserved | [RFC7770] |
8176-8183 | Experimentation | [RFC7770] |
8184-8190 | Vendor Private Use | [RFC7770] |
8191 | Reserved | [RFC7770] |
OSPFv3 Prefix Options (8 bits)
- Registration Procedure(s)
Standards Action
- Reference
- [RFC4940]
- Available Formats
Value | Description | Reference |
0x01 | NU-bit | [RFC5340] |
0x02 | LA-bit | [RFC5340] |
0x04 | Deprecated | [RFC5340] |
0x08 | P-bit | [RFC5340] |
0x10 | DN-bit | [RFC5340] |
0x20 | N-bit | [RFC8362] |
0x40 | E-Flag (ELC Flag) | [RFC9089] |
0x80 | AC-bit | [RFC9513, Section 6] |
OSPFv3 Router LSA Link Types
- Reference
- [RFC4940]
- Available Formats
Range | Registration Procedures |
0-127 | Standards Action |
128-255 | Reserved |
Value | Description | Reference |
0 | Reserved | [RFC4940] |
1 | Point-to-Point connection to another router | [RFC5340] |
2 | Transit Network | [RFC5340] |
3 | Reserved | [RFC5340] |
4 | Virtual Link | [RFC5340] |
5-127 | Unassigned | |
128-255 | Reserved |
OSPFv3 Router Properties Registry
- Registration Procedure(s)
Standards Action
- Reference
- [RFC5340]
- Available Formats
Value | Description | Reference |
0x01 | B-bit | [RFC5340] |
0x02 | E-bit | [RFC5340] |
0x04 | V-bit | [RFC5340] |
0x08 | Deprecated | [RFC5340] |
0x10 | Nt-bit | [RFC5340] |
LD Options
- Registration Procedure(s)
IETF Review
- Reference
- [RFC5820]
- Available Formats
Value | Description | Reference |
0x01 | U-bit | [RFC5820] |
OSPFv3 Instance ID Address Family Values
- Registration Procedure(s)
Standards Action
- Reference
- [RFC5838][RFC6969]
- Note
These values for instance ID are applicable when [RFC5838] is used to support multiple address families. The instance ID field may be used for applications other than the support of multiple address families.
- Available Formats
Value | Description | Reference |
0 | Base IPv6 Unicast AF | [RFC5838] |
1-31 | Base IPv6 Unicast AF dependent on local policy | [RFC5838] |
32 | Base IPv6 Multicast | [RFC5838] |
33-63 | IPv6 Multicast AFs dependent on local policy | [RFC5838] |
64 | Base IPv4 Unicast AF | [RFC5838] |
65-95 | IPv4 Unicast AFs dependent on local policy | [RFC5838] |
96 | Base IPv4 Multicast | [RFC5838] |
97-127 | IPv4 Multicast AFs dependent on local policy | [RFC5838] |
128-191 | Unassigned | |
192-255 | Reserved for Private Use | [RFC6969] |
OSPFv3 Autoconfiguration (AC) LSA TLVs
- Registration Procedure(s)
IETF Review or IESG Approval
- Reference
- [RFC7503]
- Available Formats
Value | Description | Reference |
0 | Reserved | [RFC7503] |
1 | Router-Hardware-Fingerprint TLV | [RFC7503] |
2-65534 | Unassigned | |
65535 | Autoconfiguration-Experiment-TLV | [RFC7503] |
OSPFv3 Extended-LSA TLVs
- Reference
- [RFC8362]
- Available Formats
Range | Registration Procedures |
9-32767 | IETF Review or IESG Approval |
33024-45055 | First Come First Served |
Value | Description | Reference |
0 | Reserved | [RFC8362] |
1 | Router-Link TLV | [RFC8362] |
2 | Attached-Routers TLV | [RFC8362] |
3 | Inter-Area-Prefix TLV | [RFC8362] |
4 | Inter-Area-Router TLV | [RFC8362] |
5 | External-Prefix TLV | [RFC8362] |
6 | Intra-Area-Prefix TLV | [RFC8362] |
7 | IPv6 Link-Local Address TLV | [RFC8362] |
8 | IPv4 Link-Local Address TLV | [RFC8362] |
9 | OSPFv3 Extended Prefix Range TLV | [RFC8666] |
10-32767 | Unassigned | |
32768-33023 | Reserved for Experimental Use | [RFC8362] |
33024-45055 | Unassigned | |
45056-65535 | Reserved | [RFC8362] |
OSPFv3 Extended-LSA Sub-TLVs
- Reference
- [RFC8362][RFC9356]
- Note
The "L2BM" column indicates applicability to the L2 Bundle Attributes Member sub-TLV. The options for the "L2BM" column are: Y - This sub-TLV MAY appear in the L2 Bundle Member Attributes sub-TLV. N - This sub-TLV MUST NOT appear in the L2 Bundle Member Attributes sub-TLV. X - This is not a sub-TLV of the Router-Link TLV; it MUST NOT appear in the L2 Bundle Member Attributes sub-TLV.
- Note
Allocations made in this registry for sub-TLVs that are associated with OSPFv3 Extended TLVs related to prefix advertisements MUST be evaluated for their applicability as OSPFv3 SRv6 Locator sub-TLVs, which are required to be allocated in the "OSPFv3 SRv6 Locator LSA Sub-TLVs" registry at [IANA registry ospfv3-parameters].
- Available Formats
Range | Registration Procedures |
4-32767 | IETF Review or IESG Approval |
33024-45055 | First Come First Served |
Value | Description | L2BM | Reference |
0 | Reserved | [RFC8362] | |
1 | IPv6-Forwarding-Address sub-TLV | X | [RFC8362] |
2 | IPv4-Forwarding-Address sub-TLV | X | [RFC8362] |
3 | Route-Tag sub-TLV | X | [RFC8362] |
4 | Prefix SID sub-TLV | X | [RFC8666] |
5 | Adj-SID sub-TLV | Y | [RFC8666] |
6 | LAN Adj-SID sub-TLV | Y | [RFC8666] |
7 | SID/Label sub-TLV | N | [RFC8666] |
8 | Graceful-Link-Shutdown sub-TLV | N | [RFC8379] |
9 | OSPFv3 Link MSD | N | [RFC8476] |
10 | OSPFv3 Link Attributes Bits | Y | [RFC-ietf-lsr-dynamic-flooding-18] |
11 | Application-Specific Link Attributes | Y | [RFC9492] |
12 | Shared Risk Link Group | Y | [RFC9492] |
13 | Unidirectional Link Delay | Y | [RFC9492] |
14 | Min/Max Unidirectional Link Delay | Y | [RFC9492] |
15 | Unidirectional Delay Variation | Y | [RFC9492] |
16 | Unidirectional Link Loss | Y | [RFC9492] |
17 | Unidirectional Residual Bandwidth | Y | [RFC9492] |
18 | Unidirectional Available Bandwidth | Y | [RFC9492] |
19 | Unidirectional Utilized Bandwidth | Y | [RFC9492] |
20 | Administrative Group | Y | [RFC9492] |
21 | Extended Administrative Group | Y | [RFC9492] |
22 | TE Metric | Y | [RFC9492] |
23 | Maximum link bandwidth | Y | [RFC9492] |
24 | Local Interface IPv6 Address | N | [RFC9492] |
25 | Remote Interface IPv6 Address | N | [RFC9492] |
26 | Flexible Algorithm Prefix Metric (FAPM) | X | [RFC9350, Section 9] |
27 | Prefix Source OSPF Router-ID | X | [RFC9084] |
28 | Prefix Source Router Address | X | [RFC9084] |
29 | L2 Bundle Member Attributes | N | [RFC9356] |
30 | SRv6 SID Structure | Y | [RFC9513, Section 10] |
31 | SRv6 End.X SID | Y | [RFC9513, Section 9.1] |
32 | SRv6 LAN End.X SID | Y | [RFC9513, Section 9.2] |
33 | OSPF Flexible Algorithm ASBR Metric | X | [RFC9350, Section 10.2] |
34 | Generic Metric | Y | [RFC-ietf-lsr-flex-algo-bw-con-22, Section 2.2] |
35 | OSPFv3 IP Algorithm Prefix Reachability | X | [RFC9502, Section 6.4] |
36 | OSPFv3 IP Flexible Algorithm ASBR Metric | X | [RFC9502, Section 6.5] |
37 | OSPFv3 Prefix Attribute Flags (TEMPORARY - registered 2024-04-05, publication requested 2025-01-12) | X | [draft-ietf-lsr-ospf-prefix-extended-flags-02] |
38 | BIER PHP Request | X | [RFC-ietf-bier-php-16] |
39 | Administrative Tag | X | [RFC-ietf-lsr-ospf-admin-tags-29] |
40-32767 | Unassigned | ||
32768-33023 | Reserved for Experimental Use | [RFC8362] | |
33024-45055 | Unassigned | ||
45056-65535 | Reserved | [RFC8362] |
OSPFv3 SRv6 Capabilities TLV Flags
- Registration Procedure(s)
Standards Action
- Reference
- [RFC9513]
- Available Formats
Bit | Description | Reference |
0 | Unassigned | |
1 | O-flag | [RFC9513, Section 2] |
2-15 | Unassigned |
OSPFv3 SRv6 End SID Sub-TLV Flags
- Registration Procedure(s)
Standards Action
- Reference
- [RFC9513]
- Available Formats
Bit | Description | Reference |
0-7 | Unassigned |
OSPFv3 SRv6 Adjacency SID Sub-TLV Flags
- Registration Procedure(s)
Standards Action
- Reference
- [RFC9513]
- Available Formats
Bit | Description | Reference |
0 | B-flag | [RFC9513, Sections 9.1 and 9.2] |
1 | S-flag | [RFC9513, Sections 9.1 and 9.2] |
2 | P-flag | [RFC9513, Sections 9.1 and 9.2] |
3-7 | Unassigned |
OSPFv3 SRv6 Locator LSA TLVs
- Reference
- [RFC9513]
- Available Formats
Range | Registration Procedures |
0-32767 | IETF Review or IESG Approval |
33024-45055 | First Come First Served |
Value | Description | Reference |
0 | Reserved | [RFC9513] |
1 | SRv6 Locator | [RFC9513, Section 7.1] |
2-32767 | Unassigned | |
32768-33023 | Reserved for Experimental Use | [RFC9513] |
33024-45055 | Unassigned | |
45056-65535 | Reserved | [RFC9513] |
OSPFv3 SRv6 Locator LSA Sub-TLVs
- Reference
- [RFC9513]
- Note
Allocations made in this registry for sub-TLVs that are associated with OSPFv3 SRv6 Locator TLVs MUST be evaluated for their applicability as OSPFv3 Extended-LSA sub-TLVs, which are required to be allocated in the “OSPFv3 Extended-LSA Sub-TLVs" registry at [IANA registry ospfv3-parameters].
- Available Formats
Range | Registration Procedures |
0-32767 | IETF Review or IESG Approval |
33024-45055 | First Come First Served |
Value | Description | Reference |
0 | Reserved | [RFC9513] |
1 | SRv6 End SID | [RFC9513, Section 8] |
2 | IPv6-Forwarding-Address | [RFC8362][RFC9513, Section 7.2] |
3 | Route-Tag | [RFC8362][RFC9513, Section 7.2] |
4 | Prefix Source OSPF Router-ID | [RFC9084][RFC9513, Section 7.2] |
5 | Prefix Source Router Address | [RFC9084][RFC9513, Section 7.2] |
6 | Administrative Tag | [RFC-ietf-lsr-ospf-admin-tags-29] |
7-9 | Unassigned | |
10 | SRv6 SID Structure | [RFC9513, Section 10] |
11-32767 | Unassigned | |
32768-33023 | Reserved for Experimental Use | [RFC9513] |
33024-45055 | Unassigned | |
45056-65535 | Reserved | [RFC9513] |