Private Enterprise Numbers (PENs)

Search by Number, Email, Organization, Contact
Decimal Organization Contact Email
11600 Neogration Inc. Jeff Hays @
11601 Netaxs Internet Services George Robbins @
11602 New York State Office of the State Comptroller Jean Moore @
11603 Nexxient Communications Andrew Lee @
11604 NorduGrid Anders Wäänänen @
11605 Optical Wireless Link Inc. Paul Tzeng @
11606 Pacific Broadbank Networks Ger Vloothuis @
11607 Plumtree Software Daniil Khidekel @
11608 Pracom Pty Ltd Thomas Price @
11609 PUSANWEB Ltd Woon-uk Lee @
11610 Sandvine Incorporated Don Bowman @
11611 Secretaria da Fazenda do Estado de Sp Waldemar Scudeller Jr. @
11612 STT s.r.l. Fabio Fedele @
11613 Vortex Ltd Stephen Wong @
11614 vrwg rb @
11615 Webaronet Technology Victor Wong @
11616 WebPerform Group Ltd Pete Shew @
11617 Cablevision Systems Holdings Bill Dolan @
11618 SOLTECH CO., Ltd. Dong-Hwa Lee @
11619 PTC Solutions Ltd Peter Blaney @
11620 PACE Anti-Piracy Christopher Taylor @
11621 Agrotecnica Arpa scrl Carlo Scarfoglio @
11622 3PARData PhiDien Nguyen @
11623 Aegis Software Lloyd Mangnall @
11624 Bit-Lab PTY LTD Nick de Sancha @
11625 Black Bear Software, LLC James M. Turner @
11626 Combol GmbH Jean-Pierre Bolengo @
11627 David Pitts David Pitts @
11628 EDIPORT Telecommunication Ltd. Attila Molnar @
11629 Educational Service Unit #2 Mike Danahy @
11630 eircomnet Donal Diamond @
11631 EnablingTrust LLC Bruce Kiley @
11632 e-Sec Tecnologia em Seguranca de Dados LTDA Luciano da Silva Coelho @
11633 Europop AG Holger Patrick Schebek @
11634 Exempla Kevin Erickson @
11635 Fiorano Software Inc. Rishi Raj Yadav @
11636 Focal Point Software, Inc. Luigi Bai @
11637 Generatio GmbH Thomas Harmann @
11638 Grapes Network Services William Brioschi @
11639 Intersys Uruguay Ltda Eduardo Roldan @
11640 Miritek, Inc. Seogsoon Ahn @
11641 NETOVA Philippe Martinou @
11642 Nextra Ensure (UK) Peter Jestico @
11643 One Stop Consulting, Inc. Anthony Cogan @
11644 Orbism Consulting Dave OReilly @
11645 Pentalog Inet Iulia Talos @
11646 PentaMedia Co., Ltd. Harry Cho @
11647 Planetasia Ltd., Ramapriya R.M. @
11648 RemoteSite Technologies Inc. Eric Sheffer @
11649 Ross Stores, Inc. Mike O'Connell @
11650 Schnedermann Software-Consulting GmbH Ekkard Schnedermann @
11651 SideSpace Altaf Mohamed @
11652 Sonoma State University Jack Ziegler @
11653 Stack Computer Solutions Stephen Cobham @
11654 Strott Network Solutions Christian Strott @
11655 SY.O. srl Andrea Spada @
11656 Synapse Systems AB Per Bergqvist @
11657 Taiwan Telecommunication Network Services Co., Ltd. Jung Wu @
11658 Universite Blaise PASCAL Denis Pays @
11659 Virtual Security Research George D. Gal @
11660 VMS Limited Isaac Coll @
11661 Wahoo International Enterprise Co., Ltd. Lord Lee @
11662 Marcel Ruff Marcel Ruff @
11663 +X Altaïr Toulouse Christophe Garrigue @
11664 base2 Daniel Powell @
11665 dacom Sun Jung @
11666 Institute of Communications Engineering - University of Hanover Michael Meincke @
11667 New York State Education Department Mark Macutek @
11668 WRLucas Bill Lucas @
11669 Milhouse Technologies USA Arnell Milhouse @
11670 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11671 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11672 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11673 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11674 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11675 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11676 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11677 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11678 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11679 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11680 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11681 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11682 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11683 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11684 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11685 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11686 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11687 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11688 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11689 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11690 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11691 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11692 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11693 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11694 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11695 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11696 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11697 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11698 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
11699 Reserved RFC-pti-pen-registration-10 ---none---
Registration Procedure
  • First Come First Served

Private Enterprise Numbers are identifiers that can be used in SNMP configurations, in LDAP configurations, and wherever the use of an ASN.1 object identifier (OID) is appropriate.

The PEN prefix is

Registration Forms
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