Private Enterprise Numbers (PENs)
Decimal | Organization | Contact | |
38000 | DELEC Audio- und Videotechnik GmbH | Georg Klug |
38001 | DIgitata LTD | Hugo Mokken |
38002 | Innovise IES (formerly 'Innovise ESM Software Ltd.') | Jaco de Wet |
38003 | StorMagic Ltd | Chris Farey |
38004 | Edenred SA | xiao hui loo |
38005 | REFLEXE Technologies | Christopher Brown |
38006 | Dietrich IT-Services | Daniel Dietrich |
38007 | Handy Networks | Jon Aykroyd |
38008 | ELECOM S.A.S | Juan Manuel Franco Jácome |
38009 | FonSee Technology Inc. | Feng Yang, Chang |
38010 | CE Labs | Srikanth Sherman |
38011 | NTTM (Name to Telephone Mapping) Limited | Emanuel Peri |
38012 | USL, Inc. | Harold Hallikainen |
38013 | Ampex Data Systems | Chris Douty |
38014 | NORICS GmbH | M. Glave |
38015 | DUHA system s.r.o. | Pavel Brychta |
38016 | Exicom Tele-Systems Limited | Ajay Kumar |
38017 | SC EXIMTUR SRL | Mihai Limbasan |
38018 | | Peter Köhler |
38019 | Special Systems Engineering Center LLC | Maxim Goncharenko |
38020 | Franklin County Public Schools | John Vehmeier |
38021 | Cfengine AS | Jon Henrik Bjornstad |
38022 | HappyBooking UG (haftungsbeschränkt) | Daniel Boldura |
38023 | ultrachaos | Stefan Horst |
38024 | Logic Soft sas | Paolo Tarantola |
38025 | MindArray Systems (P) Ltd | Alpesh Dhamelia |
38026 | ACOME | LUCAS Anne |
38027 | Ltd "InfoTechnoService" | Boris Stepchenko |
38028 | DANTECH Limited | Daniel Houlbrooke |
38029 | University of South Florida | Eric Pierce |
38030 | Conngame Co.Ltd. | Sailer Shen |
38031 | NextGate | Edy Yang |
38032 | EFOLIA | Gabriel GIL |
38033 | TeamF1 | Madhusudhan Kovalmudi |
38034 | IHSE GmbH | Heiner Esseln |
38035 | GS1 Sweden AB | Jeremy Morton |
38036 | ChronoPay B.V. | Valentine Zaitsev |
38037 | Ståle Hebæk Ødegården | Ståle Hebæk Ødegården |
38038 | Informacijsko svetovanje, Miha Valenčič, s.p. | Miha Valenčič |
38039 | Klika d.o.o. | Miha Valenčič |
38040 | Reliable System Services Corporation | Andrew Oldenburg |
38041 | Via Christi Health | Denise Johnson |
38042 | Unassigned | Removed 2011-06-30 | ---none--- |
38043 | Hear And See Systems OÜ | Imre Tabur |
38044 | wu-way, inc. | Basit Mustafa |
38045 | Shenzhen Winhap Commucations Inc. | HU ZHIQIANG |
38046 | Joint Stock Company UniCredit Bank | Maxim Ivlev |
38047 | JSC STC Electron-Service | Alex Moskalenko |
38048 | Institut des Sciences de l'Homme | DUSSURGET Frederic |
38049 | Zaehlwerk GbR | Gregor Giesen |
38050 | Lightbar Software Solutions LLC | Bart Stevens |
38051 | Boy Scouts of America | David Gersting |
38052 | Attackplan Software | Charles Orford |
38053 | Avisit Solutions Limited | Arjen Visser |
38054 | Arellia Corporation | Michael Sainsbury |
38055 | Gforce Inc. | Bin LIU |
38056 | Nason Hospital | Brian Lilly |
38057 | D&B Germany GmbH | Stephan Umbach |
38058 | Cyanide Studio | Bastien Semene |
38059 | Banking production center | Glukhova Marina |
38060 | Sempla Srl | Raniero Bonelli |
38061 | Edistar Srl | Denis Gasparin |
38062 | Marathon Oil Corporation | Rod Holmes |
38063 | Suomen Asiakastieto Oy | Jussi Saarinen |
38064 | SSL Corp | Leo Grove |
38065 | Media Alliance, CJSC | Egor Vyscrebentsov |
38066 | SC Romastru Trading SRL | Mihai Limbasan |
38067 | Cray Inc (formerly 'APPRO International, Inc.') | Jeremy Higdon |
38068 | Centrastate Medical Center, Inc. | Mark Handerhan |
38069 | Cetis, Inc. | Brock Munsell |
38070 | Anode | Paul C. Bryan |
38071 | MaximaTelecom JSC | Sergey Komarov |
38072 | Linear Photonics, LLC | Tim Naples |
38073 | Defense Photonics Group | Khurram Kazi |
38074 | Statropy Software LLC | Erik Larson |
38075 | Sentaca Communications | Maciej Lopacinski |
38076 | Radical Creations | Łukasz Rżanek |
38077 | JetPay, LLC | Zephaniah Loss-Cutler-Hull |
38078 | Nanjing Yxlink Information Technologies Co.,Ltd | Zhong Wei |
38079 | DEAC Medics S de RL de CV | Hugo Romero |
38080 | Pick n Pay | Duncan Rae |
38081 | Rank Group | Kunal Sharma |
38082 | HD Vietnam Co. | Nguyen Huyen Dieu |
38083 | SLG Broadcast AG | Michael Hofer |
38084 | Connecture, Inc. | Mike Cernik |
38085 | Solo Cup Company | Matthew Talaga |
38086 | Kordia | Tony Halligan |
38087 | Real I.T. Technicians, LLC | Victor Centross |
38088 | Joshua Tree Software, LLC | Shawn McKinney |
38089 | Prometheus Research | Daniel Ferris |
38090 | | Aaron Hinkle |
38091 | SolidFire, Inc. | Preston Wilson |
38092 | EtherDVB Pty Ltd | Greg Wickham |
38093 | | Administrator |
38094 | Thales Optronics | Karl Farmer |
38095 | Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politecnico e Universitario | Antonio Salgado |
38096 | CyclopusCAD s.r.l. | Francesco Fauci |
38097 | Universidade Estadual de Goiás | Robson Cardoso Vieira |
38098 | Rostov region office of Federal service of state registration cadaster and cartography | Besstremyannyy Sergey |
38099 | Transglobal Secure Collaboration Participation Inc. (TSCP) | Keith Ward |
Registration Procedure
- First Come First Served
Private Enterprise Numbers are identifiers that can be used in SNMP configurations, in LDAP configurations, and wherever the use of an ASN.1 object identifier (OID) is appropriate.
The PEN prefix is
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