Private Enterprise Numbers (PENs)

Search by Number, Email, Organization, Contact
Decimal Organization Contact Email
62300 PEAKAIO Limited Mark Klarzynski @
62301 Akses Femto Indonesia Jun Saptaji @
62302 Mini workgroups ltd Mark Halliday @
62303 Wasp Enterprise Jacob Riggan @
62304 Millitronic Co., LTD Huang, CHONG-LI @
62305 Lima Besparingsskog Fredrik Eriksson @
62306 SK ID Solution AS Mihkel Tammsalu @
62307 Len Bourgeois Len Bourgeois @
62308 Just Great Software Jan Goyvaerts @
62309 SCF Ti Salatiel Carvalho Farchi @
62310 Indefinity Inc. IT Services Adam L Waring @
62311 Herzog Technologies, Inc. HTIX IANA @
62312 Cloonar e.U. Dominik Polakovics @
62313 delta enigma Daniel Brooker @
62314 ITI Operations Limited Ben Draper @
62315 Sensetechno Solutions Vinod Kumar @
62316 Ken Garff Automotive Group Ryan Taniguchi @
62317 Zentec LLC Зендер Михаил Викторович (Zender Mikhail Viktorovich) @
62318 Иван Ивантей (Ivan Ivantey) Иван Ивантей (Ivan Ivantey) @
62319 Fall River Deaconess Home Andrew Estrella @
62320 National TsingHua University Blockchain Club National TsingHua University Blockchain Club @
62321 EmbedWay Technologies (Shanghai) Corporation HuangQi @
62322 Jutos Timber AB Björn Winsa @
62323 Quarto Centro Integrado de Defesa Aérea e Controle de Tráfego Aéreo (CINDACTA IV) Reginaldo Martins @
62324 MPLR Consultants Martin Le Roux @
62325 Syslog Works Michal Sojka @
62326 DEHOCO (Deutschland) GmbH Alexander Hillmann @
62327 EveryWare Ltd Stefan Hofmann @
62328 Waters Limited Matt Wherry @
62329 Icebreaker One Limited Frank Wales @
62330 Sandhya Sharma Sandhya Sharma @
62331 Watermark Auto Group Andrew Hancock @
62332 EcoFlow Inc. Jason Guo @
62333 CertMe GmbH Senn Eduard @
62334 Lakewood Communications Joseph Worrall @
62335 Cyber Privilege Private Limited G Vimal Kumar @
62336 British Business Bank plc Andy Littlewood @
62337 Datask B.V. Jules Verhaeren @
62338 NTEX Inrikes AB NTEX Inrikes AB @
62339 AmerisourceBergen - Cencora Vartan Chukhadarian @
62340 Motorola Solutions Poland Tomasz Klys @
62341 Impregilo B. Ewing Impregilo B. Ewing @
62342 Li Auto Li Xiangdong @
62343 A. Frauenrath Bauunternehmen GmbH Chi-Binh Banh @
62344 Smartmatica LLC Panochkin Denis @
62345 ToastStudios Robert Pfaff @
62346 Marché du Film Davous Antoine @
62347 The Thompson Consultancy John W Thompson @
62348 云上北斗股份有限公司 (Yunshang Beidou Co., Ltd.) 黎杨 (Li Yang) @
62349 Qian Qian Qian Qian @
62350 Ecole des Roches Dominique Paris @
62351 SOFTBRIDGE Corporation JunCheng He @
62352 TELCON LLC Andrey Raise @
62353 Peculiar Tech Zach Johnson @
Registration Procedure
  • First Come First Served

Private Enterprise Numbers are identifiers that can be used in SNMP configurations, in LDAP configurations, and wherever the use of an ASN.1 object identifier (OID) is appropriate.

The PEN prefix is

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