Private Enterprise Numbers (PENs)

Search by Number, Email, Organization, Contact
Decimal Organization Contact Email
8700 World Savings Adam Burford @
8701 Intelligent Information Systems Jay Lyerly @
8702 Noncyclic Networks Ted Tickell @
8703 Voyus Canada Inc. Applications Development @
8704 Sakhalinsvyaz JSC Dmitry Lebkov @
8705 Israel Local Authorities Data Processing Center LTD Daniel Korem @
8706 Unassigned Removed 2006-09-07 ---none---
8707 SpiderNet Services Ltd Ranko Zivojnovic @
8708 Lumentis AB Per Borg @
8709 Landesamt für Besoldung und Versorgung NRW Guido Sawatzky @
8710 Envoy Networks Brian Shimkin @
8711 THALES Broadcast & Multimedia Dat-son Nguyen @
8712 LANcope, Inc. John Jerrim @
8713 Abako Media Oy Hannu Taskinen @
8714 iNOC, Inc. Rick Smith @
8715 Health Sciences Centre Mauricio Mejia @
8716 Triveni Digital, Inc. Andrew Selder @
8717 David Mistretta David Mistretta @
8718 Gwent Consultancy A. T. Butler @
8719 Raviant Networks, Inc. Richard H. Gumpertz @
8720 Zack Systems, Inc. Cody Sherr @
8721 Ingram Technology Limited Bernard Ingram @
8722 Steve Belt @
8723 Integrated Data Pty Ltd Mr Peter Stoneley @
8724 Human Technology Jeehoon Song @
8725 Canberra Institute of Technology Scott J McDonald @
8726 Incisive Designs Sean O'Grady @
8727 Torry Harris Business Solutions Thirunavukarasu S @
8728 Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences Nan Kai @
8729 LETEK Communications, Inc. Lee Deugju @
8730 Serck Controls Ltd. Robert Bradford @
8731 Pantor Engineering AB Ola Arvidson @
8732 Tokyo Institute of Technology Katsuyoshi Iida @
8733 Ambient Computing, Inc. Joseph Evans @
8734 Matthias Wimmer Matthias Wimmer @
8735 Quark Inc. David Fowler @
8736 MetaVector Technologies Jos Huybrighs @
8737 SecureNet GmbH - Intranet & Internet Solutions Knut Sander @
8738 Pirelli Informatica S.p.A. Marco Micci @
8739 KAPTECH Xavier Boemare @
8740 KOM Networks Adrian Cho @
8741 SonicWALL, Inc. Susan Yan @
8742 Alphion Murali Sampath @
8743 RadioFrame Networks Don Messenger @
8744 Colubris Networks Inc. Eric Perie @
8745 Informática para todos, SA de CV Eduardo Vázquez Hernández @
8746 Queensland University of Technology Alan Agnew @
8747 Libelle AG Hans-Joachim Krueger @
8748 LOQUENDO SpA Piovano Luciano @
8749 TELCOM ITALIA LAB Galliano Sergio @
8750 Bucknell University Chris Weber @
8751 Geodesic Systems John W. Marland @
8752 Kernel Park Keun O @
8753 Dataflow Alaska, Inc. Eric Hutchins/Keif Mayers @
8754 XouL Danilo Aghemo @
8755 Hebrew University Computation Center Helen Zommer @
8756 Celltick Oren Zamir @
8757 Feather Mobile Systems Amir Kirsh @
8758 Walnut Concepts Martin Torrella @
8759 LG Innotek Co., Ltd. Seoncheol Cho @
8760 NEITech Yang Dayong @
8761 Zavod za varnostne tehnologije informacijske druzbe in elektronsko poslovanje, SETCCE Tomaz Klobucar @
8762 SI-CA Tomaz Klobucar @
8763 eIQnetworks Prakash Reddy @
8764 KB Electronics Ltd Daniel Hebert @
8765 Telesoft Technologies Ltd John Townsend @
8766 Elsag S.p.A. Giuseppe Ghiorzi @
8767 Bayour.COM Turbo Fredriksson @
8768 Nevion (formerly 'Network Electronics') Jan Helgesen @
8769 TeraOptic Networks, Inc. Ashok Ranganath @
8770 The Emerginggroup Group Qiqi Dong @
8771 ARCANVS, Inc. Todd Romney @
8772 e-Manufacturing Networks Inc. Stephen Lane-Smith @
8774 Universal Scientific Industrial Co., Ltd. Black Su @
8775 BeST (Business Execution-Solutions & Technology) Dave Dave Bean @
8776 Zman Tikshuv Ofer Porat @
8777 aQute Peter Kriens @
8778 SYAC Piergiorgio Menia @
8779 Telespazio Marcello De Carolis @
8780 ip-connect GmbH Sven Flossmann @
8781 ChamberSign Mr. Hylko Oosterloo @
8782 Keutel Jochen Keutel @
8783 Mani Akella @
8784 BroadQuay Consultancy Ltd. Greg Mitchell @
8785 Guay Internet Inaki Santamaria @
8786 SecureOps Inc. Patrick Ethier @
8787 Ivrnet Inc. Roland Hordos @
8788 CyberGate Internet Services Randy Doran @
8789 PreNet Corporation Maria Webster @
8790 Prisa Networks Don Deel @
8791 ivv GmbH Markus-Alexander Matthe @
8792 Axes India Ltd N.SankarNarayanan @
8793 Realize IT GmbH Alain Schneble @
8794 eYak Inc. Margaret Hannemann @
8795 Inteliguard Michael Donahue @
8796 Gestion del Conocimiento S.A. Miquel Bonastre @
8797 Mannesmann Arcor AG & Co Andreas Berger @
8798 IT-Management & Solution GmbH Ahmet Sahin @
8799 cypherOptics Mauro Zallocco @
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  • First Come First Served

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